Sarah's Challenge

After seeing Jo's LO on her blog I popped over to Caroline's Crafts and had a look at the Book of Me challenge that Sarah had just started. I've been half heartedly doing a BoM for 2 years so this was perfect for getting me going again. Sarah's Challenge was:

The first challenge kicks right off with some little pampering of the hair. If you are able to this week, go and make an appointment at the hairdressers and get your hair done. You may be going back to work after a break or starting a new job etc so let a professional fuss over you. Maybe go for a new look, get some bright new highlights or a new colour. If you can’t make it to the hairdressers, give yourself a makeover. Treat your self to some deep intense conditioners or hot oils. Set your hair in curlers overnight, or get the straightners out. Play around with the blow dryer and create a new do.Whatever you do, make it a well and truly a "me" occasion. Once you are done, take a picture of your new look and create a LO that expresses how you feel in your new look.

My LO is about my new colour. Gone are the blonde highlights of the summer and in have come the reds. It looks soooooo much better now and I've even had a fringe cut in!! If you're going to do it, go the whole hog, I say :)


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