
The trusty phone camera came in handy again tonight when Samuel and I took Moss for a walk. We came across the biggest patch of mushrooms I've ever seen. Normally you only see one or two together but these stretched for a good couple of feet and were too many to count.


  1. Please don't eat them! The author Nicholas Evans nearly died recently, along with his wife, when they ate mushrooms on an estate at Nairn!!!!!!

  2. Were they really pink? Good pictures from the phone ~ and easier to carry when out walking the dog!

  3. Were they really pink? Good photo from a phone ~ easier to carry whilst walking the dog too!!!!!

  4. They are orangy/brown and about 2" in size. There were loads of them. Don't worry I only eat ones I buy in Tesco/ASDA!!

  5. oooooooooooh thats some serious 'shrooms....


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