HSMSHS - Point

Point - A tapered or sharp end, a projection, a dot, a place or spot, directions on the compass, the essential thing, to direct or aim. Find 'point' in your space.

A shot of Samuel's compass. Maybe I should have taken it up Ben Aigan at the weekend!!!!!

I wasn't sure which colour I liked so I've put both up.


  1. that is so cool love the reflection

  2. Like the B&W one best I think - great shot.

  3. Great photo - not sure which one I like best.
    Sorry to have missed your call.

  4. Great choice for point, my favourite is the black and white :)

  5. Both great shots, prefer the b&w one.

  6. Great photos. I thought I liked the B&W one best at first... but looking back, I can't decide. I like the green and how the red stands out in the color one! I'm really bad about deciding which I like between a photo in color and the same one put in B&W!


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