On the Guest List
Monday saw Ruth and I head off to Oxford in the afternoon for a surprise Birthday present from her lovely sister-in-law. L (as we will call here) had called in a favour from an old neighbour who just happens to have worked for Bryan Adams for 20 years!! 

Yes you guessed it.....L had managed to get two tickets for Bryan's accoustic concert and we were on his guest list. How cool is that?
What a fantastic night. It's amazing how you suddenly remember the words to songs you haven't played/heard in ages. It was the most fantastic night and the best night out I've had for ages. It was like he was in your living room as the theatre was so small. You can keep your big arena concerts. Give me a small gig any day. Thanks L x

Photos not brilliant but the light kept changing and the girl in front had the biggest head ever!!!!!
How fantastic!! I'm soooo jealous! Love him!