Catching up with HSMSHS

I didn't do any prompts last week but this weekend Tammy from Len and Pens has set the Wisdom for the Weekend prompt. It's from a Clint Black song "A Change in the Air" and the line reads "The leaves are turning, soon they'll fall...And tonight I feel a change in the air."

Here's Samuel up to his neck in it!!!!!!!!!


  1. What a darling picture and the perfect match for the prompt!


    Sheila :-)

  2. Awesome pic!!! Such fun! :o)

  3. THat is a lovely picture. He has so much fun. Must be many trees with all the leaves.

  4. Wow, look at those leaves!! Your son is having so much fun, you can see it in his eyes!
    I gave you a blog award, please stop by when you can for the details, thank you.


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