Mother's Day part 2

I've had a good day today which started with breakfast in bed,
John went a little overboard with the toast and butter but it was the thought that counts and check out the icing sugar heart.

followed by the ironing, changing the beds, helping with Samuel's homework, getting soaked walking the dog and general tidying up. Still it was all worth it as instead of getting a present I asked for afternoon tea
and the boys did a grand job making it for me. All I had to do was eat.


  1. And it all looks glad you had a grand day...:-) Hugs

  2. Wow! Looks like it was a nice day for you!!

  3. Now there are perks to all boys houses then. The heart is really cute. Happy Mother's Day.

  4. Great - looks like you had just the sort of day I had - a very happy one!!!...xoxo

  5. looks delicious I had a bacon butty in bed:)

  6. Aren't you the lucky one. x

  7. That sounds wonderful! We went out for brunch and relaxed with tea and cake in the afternoon.


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