Day 162, 163, 164, 165 & 166 of 365

I can't believe I'm so far behind with posting again. We have been so busy here with one thing and another and decorating on top of that only adds to the hours in a day.
Here are the last few days:

Day 162: John and I had a bet as to who had the tidiest desk. I lost as he has what I call an OCD desk as there is nothing on it even when he's busy. Day 163: On a trip to Inverness we came across the Continental Market in the centre of town. The salami stall has to be my favourite.

Day 164: Back to the decorating and this time it was time to sort out the lintel over the doorway in the hall.

Day 165: A spot of on-line shopping to get work shirts for John as they didn't have the ones with the longer sleeves in Inverness. A nice pair of pumps may have fallen in the basket too!!
Day 166: I drive this lane every morning and have always thought I should take a picture as the seasons change so here is the first one. Summer. Or at least it's supposed to be but the weather recently seems to have forgotten that fact!!

And that's it for now. Once the decorating is done and the summer holidays are here (only 13 working days but who's counting?) I should hopefully have more time to post and catch up with all your lovely blogs. :0)


  1. I'm constatnly playing catch up too!!!!!

  2. Been wondering about you, it is good to be busy and the hall will look great when its finished.
    .........:-) Hugs


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