New blog header

I've always wondered how some blogs had lovely headers at the top with several photos in them.  I'd tried using Picasa but couldn't get the look I wanted so put up with one photo and a blog title.
That was until I was reading Clover Lane and found that she had put a post on her blog, a while back, on how to make headers.  She also made hers in Picasa and once I read her instructions I realised it was really simple to do.

Just goes to show that instructions can be a good thing.....if you actually read them!!!


  1. The new header looks fab!

  2. Love the new header and thanks for sharing the link!!

  3. Love your new header, Happy Easter to you and your family...:-)Hugs

  4. The new header is great and I think I'll need to have a look at that link too!
    Have a Happy Easter x


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