Photo a Day - 19 Feb

Today's prompt is SOMETHING YOU HATE.

Hate is a bit of strong word for many things I dislike but there is one thing I do actually hate and that is all the paperwork, mail and junk that accumulates on the end of the kitchen work top. 
It's always left to me to sort out what gets kept, filed or re-cycled.  Can no-one else see the ever growing pile of paperwork?

In this pile there is a sports clothing magazine, an odd CD, postcards and letters, a charity clothing bag a scrappy type project, receipts and the book War Horse.
Does anyone else have a pile like this lurking somewhere in their house?


  1. Yep, and I try my best to ignore it as long as possible... Which is never very long i'm afraid...

  2. Oh yes!..and it's left to me to deal with too
    Alison xx

  3. Just one? ;). These piles are the bane of my life and, like you, it's up to me to sort/file/deal with them! I wish there was a fairy to come and do it all for me xx


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