Hello Monday

Yes I know it's Tuesday again but yesterday was a very lazy TV/crochet day and I couldn't be bothered with putting a post together.  How bad is that?

Anyway this week it's....

Hello to the first full week of the Easter holidays.  This is the first time in I don't know how many years that we aren't we are going away or have visitors.
Hello to a trip to Aberdeen with the Teenager for the orthodontist.  Hopefully not too many more trips to go.
Hello to John having a few days off this week and us getting out and about.
Hello to seeing a bit more sunshine.  It was actually out yesterday.
Hello to doing some Weight Watchers baking and cooking.  I love baking but as both John and I are watching what we're eating just now I thought I'd try the lighter side of baking instead   :0)
Hello to a night out with friends on Saturday.  I'm really looking forward to that as we haven't all been out together for months.  (Weight Watchers will have to take a back seat that night.)  LOL :0)


  1. I've joined in with his for the first time this week - not sure how well I'll do at keeping it up ;). We're also starting Easter holidays though Emily has GCSE revision to do and I need to continue my coursework. I also hope to start eating more healthily so I'll be interested to hear how you get on with your WW baking x

  2. I haven't managed to get back on track at all, weight wise since my weekend in London!
    Alison xx


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