What are you reading?

After finishing My Temporary Life by Martin Crosbie, which I have to say was a really good read and not nearly as serious or depressing as the blurb made out, (I'm now looking for the next book to find out how Hardly is doing),

 I'm now reading

The Case of the Pig in the Evening Suit by RR Gall.  I bought it for two reasons:
1.  It was free on Kindle
2.  How could I not with a title like that?

It turns out to be a book about a Scottish detective too which makes it all the more readable.

An ordinary man. A far from ordinary detective. A topical thriller.

The Case of the Pig in the Evening Suit is the first book in a trilogy of murder mystery thrillers.

In the Scottish town of Dumfries, people come to Jin Johnstone with their problems - but this can lead to problems of his own.

A missing son, a beautiful, enigmatic woman, a pig in an evening suit: it is the swift start to a deadly turn of events.


  1. Looks interesting. I'm interested in reading The Son this summer.

  2. I've just read 'The Eyre Affair' by Jasper Fforde...I'll be offering it up on my blog once a friend has finished reading it...must add yours to Pinterest!
    Alison xx


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