May the 4th be with you

Thursday may well become my Monday as I embrace the four day week. 

So what has been going on since my last post?

I have been.....

1.  Travelling to Durham to stay with my friend Miss J.  She moved there, from Scotland, in January and has settled in well.  She lives in a lovely village outside Durham.  It's only 10 minutes on the bus so very handy.  We went to the Cathedral for a look around.  The cathedral volunteer told us it's the final resting place of St Cuthbert ( who, I have to say I hadn't even heard of).

1.  Starting my four day week early.  I was owed a day, after working in the holidays, so I took last Thursday off too.  It felt so good to be home in the middle of the week.  My poor washing machine didn't know what hit it though, as anything not nailed down got washed.

2.  Having an impromptu lunch date with hubby.  A cocktail, or two was just what the Dr ordered.     

3. Listening to "The Satsuma Complex" by Bob Mortimer on Audible.  Another Who dunnit? that I didn't figure out!

4.  Reading a real book.  The Man who Died Twice, the second in the Thursday Murder Club series by Richard Osman.  Another good read and, yes there is a pattern forming here.  I didn't figure out the killer!!

5.  Nudging hubby into finishing the back garden fence and starting the one out front.  He has at least ordered the wood so that's a positive.

6.  Looking after Innes, who wan't very well at the beginning of the week with bacterial gastroenteritis.  He was feeling very sorry for himself for a day or two, but is now back to doing everything at full pelt.

7.  Speaking to a lovely lady at the Blood Transfusion service, who rang to see if she could make me an appointment.  Sadly I had to say no, as I can't donate until August, when I've finished taking my folic acid tablets.

8.  Organising to have the bathroom fitted at the end of May instead of August, as all the fittings have arrived.  I'm so looking forward to having a Non 1980s bathroom.

And another week has gone by.  We have another bank holiday weekend coming up so another three day week for me next week.  Now there's an idea!!!



  1. Lovely catch up. Those lunches look interesting, I'm particularly interest in what it is that has a syringe in the middle of it!?!!? An updated bathroom is a treat at the end, but having just gone through a reno of a bathroom, oh the pain of it (col). How fun to visit with your friend. Hope you enjoy your long weekend.

    1. We had donuts filled with nduja and the syringe had warm cheese it in. They were delicious, but a treat, as they were soooooo expensive. But then isn't everything at the moment?


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