Bathroom Update - No 3

The window is blocked off, the shower area is in and the tiling has begun.  It's taking a little longer than anticipated as the walls aren't straight and the tiles need leveling out.  Hopefully it's only two more extra days and then the big TaDah!


  1. I don't think any house ever has straight walls, and you don't realise until you try and do some tiling!

    1. It's been like that in every house we've lived in !!

  2. Replies
    1. It does. But whatever it's for, it works, as the tiles look great

  3. I concur with Deb, most houses don't seem to be built with level and/or straight walls. That shower stall looks like it will be quite large.

  4. Bigger than average, but not as big as some :0)


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