Me on a Monday

Not much blogging was done the week before last, as it was the last week of term.  I worked all week just so I could say goodbye to all our year 6 pupils before they go off to High School.  I went in on Friday to finish off my orders for September.  It took longer than I thought and I ended up staying all day!  I'm now owed a day off at some point in the future.

Last week........

I worked on Monday morning, just to get all the invoices sent off before the summer break.

The boys got a new bed on Tuesday and had nibbled the corners by the next morning!!  I did some blogging and sorted out my Great Yorkshire Show posts.  There are a few, as there was too much to put into one post.

I went for a blood test on Wednesday to check my Folate levels.  I'm pleased to say that all is back to normal.

I had my nails done on Thursday.  I can have them a bit longer in the holidays as I don't need to type as much. :0)

On Friday I was up at the hospital for another check up appointment.  Still no word on my surgery.  :0(

Saturday saw hubby taking Innes training and Blue staying home.  Blue went for a walk up the hill and settled OK when he got back.  They really miss each other when the other one isn't there.

And on Sunday, I stayed home and finished my baby blanket and hubby took the boys out for a bit of training.  Poor Innes has 'swimmers tail' (yes it's a thing) after all his swimming on Saturday but it doesn't seem to bother him too much.  He just has to rest and not exercise too much for a while.

I also spent the week catching up on some other crochet projects, checking out holidays for next year and 2025, and thinking about what to take to Edinburgh at the weekend, as the weather is set to be wet.  Not a surprise really as it always rains when we go there, regardless of what time of year it is :0)

The first full week of the school holidays is done and boy that was quick.  Onto the next one.



  1. What a pretty soft blue your baby blanket is. Poor puppy having a sore swimmer's tail. I'd never heard of that for dogs. I am counting this as my learn something new a week for this week. Hopefully you'll get a surgery date soon, but not before you have enjoyed some summer adventures. New beds for my fur girls, just means a box from an order, they tend to shred the flaps rather quickly.

  2. That blanket looks so snuggly!
    Dogs have no respect for expensive new bedding do they? Coco shuns any bed in favour of a quilt or blanket that has been left on the sofa or floor! I have never heard of 'swimmers tail'.
    Enjoy Edinburgh - our son lived there for a couple of years and really enjoyed his time there, and we enjoyed visiting him!


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