Great Yorkshire Show - Claim to Fame

On the last day of the show we went and listened to Peter Wright, from The Yorkshire Vet on Channel 5, chat about his time as a vet and what he'd been up to recently.

He's a former student of Alf Wight better known as James Herriot, and has been a vet for nearly 40 years.  He talked about the animals he's treated, the people he's met and the friends he's made.  He briefly mentioned that he's just cycled 170 miles and raised £33,000 for the Herriot Hospice  Wow!

He also talked about how amazing animals are in helping those with mental health problems.  Something I found very moving.

He has a new book out, which I might just have to put on my Christmas list.

All together a lovely, every day guy just going about his business.  Albeit with a camera crew in tow :0)


  1. I agree animals are sometimes the medicine we need. I live on the quote, "the outside of a horse is good for the inside of man" (I believe Winston Churchill). I shall look to see if our library has this book now or on order. :)

    1. The first book is The Yorkshire Vet - In the Footsteps of Herriot. The second is My Yorkshire- Great and Small and his new one is The Tales and Tails of a Yorkshire Vet. I hope your library can get some or all of them for you.


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