Me on Monday - 27 May 2024

Popped into work on Friday to sort out my phased return.  Morning only the first week and two full days the following week, then back to full swing.  If I'm honest I'd be quite happy staying home and retiring but that's not happening for quite a while yet :0(  Still I do have a few days off in July to go the Yorkshire Show again, so that's something to look forward to.  Then before we know it, it will be the summer holidays.

We had a little visitor this week. The cute and cuddly kind.  This is Giuseppe and he is an Italian Greyhound.  He kept everyone on their toes, especially our boys, (who are four times his size) who kept running away.  It was hilarious to watch :0)

Not much else happened this week.  A check up with the Dr, a boiler service, our son came and helped putting doors into the shed, hubby cleaned my car (for which I am very grateful) and the usual housework and dog walking.

Bit of a hitch with the PC this week, but it seems to be fixed now and I can post this, even though it's a few days late.


  1. I am so glad to read that you are recovering well. A nice ease back to work. Giuseppe looks like he could rule easily, sweet face :)


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